jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

You are my best Friend (8)

Well, today I going to talk about my best friend.
He have a real name, but in this blog I called with his nickname "Pelao". Y meeting Pelao in the school, in first grade when i was six years old, in that moment we started a good friendship because we was classmates all the schoolar life, we do the works together and share a lot, also we are table patners.

My dearest memory with him are a lot, because we have good moments and bad moments but always we are together, but in my mind always i have present the moment were we go to La Serena with our class, that was a special moment were we reinforcement our friendship and we do so many stupid things like tell in this blog. the greates adventure taht we have together happened in this journey, we are paly pool with other friends, and somebady broke the cloth of the table were we play, then we pay and get out of the local vey quickly to avoid were to catched for the local boss...after of this problem we go to other local to play pool.

Well about my friend i like his passion for the artes and letters, his sence of fredom and equal, also he is very honest and direct person, but nothing is perfect and i dont like his political posture, the music that listen is very boring, also he is a religious fanatic and i hated the religious, we always have problem for that teme of conversation.

I dont have envy of him, but i admire his convicction about his own dream, because he always have security in hiself when talk with other people to propose idas. also he express his ideas with many education and respect with the other people, he will never say things agressive to the people even that people were agressive with him.

If i could give something to my friend, i will give a "bit" more of tolerant, because he es very untolerant he dont like the gay people, the people that belive in god, the people with other ideas diferent that he have. this is his principal problem and he need be resolved for continue his life.

Well...! good bye!

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