viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

The End (8)

Today I´m going to talk aboyt my blogging experience.
I really never had a blog,before this one,this expereciene is complety new for me and I enjoy a lot, I like a lot write and share some words with the world, and the people that want read my english work (but I know that only the teacher will read this work). I think that is a good way to express and share ideas with other people arounde the world, is a very efficent way to know more about other things.
I don´t know if the blog improve my english, I always had problems for write in english, but I believe that I improve my own english with this work, because, this work is a way to practice constantly the enlgish.
the advantages of the blog for the english class is that the teacher can check of a more effcient and quickly way all the works, and we have a lot of time to make the work with patience. the disadavantages I personally don´t find any disadavantage in work with a blog, maybe I believe that matter of the work could be more free or more interest for people of own age.

well, good bye! I hope see you soon!

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