jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Life is a Long Song (8)

Hello, I going to talk about my future.
In five years more, I will want keep studing, because I want have a mastery in Politics Science and I want have a post grade in public managment, This academic grades needs a lot of hours to obtain, I think that I will continue studing at less for five year more, at the same time I start to work, becuse I need have my own money and I need become independent for my parents, also I need help them in the economic area.I will see me working in my town to help the people and improve the system in the public area, for otherside I wanted study in England too, If I have the posibility to go to study I will go to later comeback to Chile.
Well, I believe that in five years more I still continue living in the Parent`s House, because all my money I will spend in my studies, but if I have the chance of buy a good House in a good place, I will do, because I will want to have my own hosea a leave the Parent`s House, I need more freedom and They need more private time. If I have my own house, I know that I will stay living alone, this because I enjoy my freedom and I don`t want have a any type of relationship till I can give to a woman a good future for her and me together.
My ideal future is like I write in this lines, but escepcially I want go to study to England, because I love the country and I want have a certificate of its university, for later comeback and do something important for the country. I really want make more happy the people and make more effcient the government and for that I need have the necessary studies, also I want make a family and have a children, because I want be Father and enojey everymoment with them.

Good Bye! see you later.!

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