jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

People are people(8)

Today I `m going to talk about Martin Luther King!
He is the best, I think that Luher King is the best, because, He was the first man who fought against the racism in United State, He started the Movement of civil rights of his people, but this fight was without violence. He only used pacific methods.
He was a Natural leader, and He had a wonderfull oral expression, reflected in his speech "I have a Dream". Also He thought against all United State for his people and He never used his hands to fight only his words and actions. The words are the most powerfull weapon. He is a real Hero!.
I admire him, because He changed completely the story of a country, also I think that the wars and violence don`t have any sense only kill people and Luther King thought the same way than me. He knew that if He talked to the people, they could understand his ideas, and I think the same.
He was the first man who said the problems of his society, where the people of color were like slaves for the white people. He didn`t only fight for his rights, He fought for the rights of all the people of color. Also He fought to finish the war and the poverty in the world.

Good Bye. See you Later!.

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