viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Working Man(8)

Today I´m going to talk about my ideal job
I really have problems to think what job is the best for me, because I want to do a lot of different things. I wanted be a actor or painter, but the real world is wild and I know that I need be a wonderful actor or painter to can live. Anyways, I have another wish and this is do smothing for the society, for that I´m studing this career, I want work for the government to make more efficient the country and make more happy the people.
For this work, you need a lot of skills but the more important are be friendly, I need understand what thing people need and how I can do something to resolved, another important skills are creativiy, prudence, politic actitude, and patience, because all this skills united make more efficient this kind of work.
I believe that I will be a good worker, I have all the skills for this kind of work, know I need the knowledge about the public administer to combinated this skills with the knoledge and do my work.
This kind of work exist en everyplace, the problem is keep with the expectation of the society.

Good Bye see you later!

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